I have not posted in a while and iem sorry some reasons prevented me frm posting but iem back B) and today iem here with pros and cons of the greatest question of the console war.
The contestants are the greatest consoles of all time
and the last and ironically frm my point of view the least
The contestants are the greatest consoles of all time
PlayStation 3
XBOX 360
and the last and ironically frm my point of view the least
okay let me just say that iem a psn gamer and i support ps3 but over here iem gonna justify and take reasons into play:
First is the Ps3
Ps3 is a classic due to its blu ray efficiency and...all that shit
Its owned by sony entertainment and is supported by many so they have many game thats a pro now i have to tell u a con :/ .... many games who are popular have DLC's (disk locked content packs)now where do you buy them from? the sony play store well yes hey are safe BUT there is a problem...
and that is your disk...your disk should be of the same region as the store you bought from and that is something i would call truly fuc**d up
i live in India
Over hear games come out late and in many countries they do and iem a HARDCORE MOTHERFUC**NG GAMES LOVER so i order my games frm where they come first...United States of America now if ur playstaion store is not american hmm u might have some problem there mate... ur DLC's wont work if ur disk is not of the same region as ur playstaion store, now that is bul*shit seriously man get that thing fixed or iem shifting to xbox
In my point of view this is a BIG CON and an averagely good pro sooo lets see how others do yeh :)
In my point of view this is a BIG CON and an averagely good pro sooo lets see how others do yeh :)
Now XBOX is up lets go go go make this quick
Xbox is truly amazing but well nobody and nothing is perfect soo lets see how Xbox does,
Now i write my posts based on fact and what knowledge i have soo if i say something wrong plz correct me :P
Now Xbox is good, Nice graphics pretty much perfect BUT Xbox live is something you have to pay for and that is a con a MASSIVE CON and its microsoft not many supporters not much games :/ another CON big one well i would like to move on because i dont have much knowledge about Xbox
Now there is Wii...Lets start
Wii is good but the game options and graphics are less and bad :/ but nintendo ace'd with mario in many games mario is a classic and is amazing which i still play it and still is an awesome game and is an 8-bit and i think no matter how old are you you should try it.
Now PC,
PC is the most modifiable gaming and multitask system but is the BEST because of the gold gaming rule
Iem sorry guys PC has won :D :P
Thank you for reading :) have a nice day
Thank you for reading :) have a nice day
Cheers ;)
Posted by alphac56 the zombie slayer
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