On Monday, iMore said that Apple will announce the iPhone 5, and possibly the iPad mini, during a press event on September 12th. The iPhone 5, the site said, will then land in stores on September 21st. That report was quickly followed-up later in the day by separate stories from AllThingsD andThe Verge, which also confirmed with sources that the date is, indeed, legitimate.
The Loop, which is run by Jim Darylmple and has a solid track record of reporting on Apple news, cited iMore’s story and date and simply said “Yep.” While Apple hasn’t specifically announced a press conference, it’s hard to go against the grain and dispute the date confirmed by all of these reports. Either everyone feels a need to voice an opinion, which is always possible, or September 12th is pretty much a lock at this point.
The date makes perfect sense, too. It’s right on schedule for back-to-school season and just ahead of the holidays. Apple could position itself quite nicely with new gadgets that will top the must-have list of most holiday shoppers, if the products don’t disappoint, that is.
The iPhone 5 is expected to offer a larger 4-inch display, a new 19-pin connector and a complete industrial redesign. For more information on what it might look like, be sure to check out our iPhone 5 mockups and renders.
[via The Loop]